Want your name inside my next comic book, “Aftermath”?

Oh wow. In just about a month, I will be releasing my second comic book, HOLLOW’S PRISM: Issue #1 “Aftermath”. I am SO excited to start this series, which takes place 5 years after my first graphic novel, HOLLOW.

In order to get the book PRINTED, however, I need help with funding. I didn’t ask for it for HOLLOW, because back then I was bright and shiny and new.

LOL! I am now realizing that I want to keep on writing these books to share with you all. To do that, I need help financing it.


There are 7 days left until my fundraising efforts through my songs are complete. As an added incentive (geez I feel like a telemarketer!! haha!) ANYONE WHO HAS OR DOES BUY MY MUSIC DURING AUGUST WILL HAVE A “THANK YOU” MENTIONED INSIDE THE ISSUE OF AFTERMATH! That’s right! All you have to do is purchase one (or all three if you want) of my songs from http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/ReneeKole or iTunes and EMAIL ME A COPY OF YOUR PURCHASE RECEIPT AT cyelkoth@gmail.com by SEPTEMBER 1st, 2013. That’s it! And you’ll get your name in a comic book! How cool is that?

ALSO— if you shared my link with others and they say they were referred by you, the person with the most referrals will have their name as ONE OF THE CHARACTERS. I’m serious! And anyone who has read my other novels knows I do NOT like to use real names.

So… any takers???


(Pictures by simonkentonpathfinders.rog, miriadna.com, and carrotsncake.com)


  1. mom

    what a Darling animal! what exactly is it? it’s soooo cute. and, good luck with your fund raising. i’m so looking forward to Reading your next book. thanks for writing, and thanks to conrad for the illustrations. you two make new worlds and characters come alive!

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